Cindy Domingo and Jan Strout
Cindy Domingo
Steering Committee
Cindy Domingo, Carmela Ennis, Victoria Kill, Nataka Moore, Caridad Morales, Catherine Murphy, Jan Strout, Pamela Taylor, Moon (Luna) Vazquez

National Advisory Board
Maria Agosto, Activist, St Petersberg, FL
Mavis Anderson, Program Director, LAWG (Latin America Working Group), Washington, DC
Medea Benjamin, Co-founder, Code Pink and Global Exchange, San Francisco, CA
Mary Bricker-Jenkins, Kensington Welfare Rights Union, Philadelphia, PA
Lisa Brock, Scholar / Activist, Chicago, IL
Aisha Brown, Global Awareness Project Consulting, Washington, DC
Kamilah Brown, Legislative Aide, Seattle, WA
Michelle Clark, Legislative Legal Aide, Seattle, WA
Cindy Domingo, Center for Social Justice, Seattle, WA; Seattle, WA
Carmela Ennis, King County Government Relations Associate, Seattle, WA
Cory Fischer-Hoffmann, Colectiva Cosecha Solidaria, Philadelphia, PA
Jane Franklin, Scholar / Activist, Montclair, NJ
Angelyn Frazer, National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, Washington, DC
Pamela Groves, Librarian, Princeton, NJ
Victoria Kill, Professor, Seattle University, Seattle, WA
Julie Goodson Lawes, Writer / Artist, Oakland, CA
Sheryl Lutjens, Professor, Cal State San Marcos, CA
Zenaida Mendez, Director of External Affairs, Manhattan Neighborhood Network, New York, NY
Felicia Montgomery, Pueblo Institute for International Development, Washington, DC
Nataka Moore, Professor, Adler School of Professional Psychology, Chicago, IL
Caridad Morales, Professor, Towson University, Baltimore, MD
Catherine Murphy, Filmmaker / Activist, New York, NY
Luci Murphy, Singer / Activist, Washington, DC
Loretta Ross, National Coordinator, SisterSong: Women of Color Reproductive Health Collective, Atlanta, GA
Jan Strout, National Organization for Women, Bozeman, M
Marietta Ulacia, Founder and Executive Director, Latin American Folk Institute, New York, NY
Moon (Luna) Vazquez, Carpenter and Activist, Chicago, IL
Silvia Wilhelm, Executive Director, Puentes Cubanos, Miami, FL
International Allies
Marielba Álvarez, Second Secretary / Press Affairs, Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in the United States
Magalys Arocha Domínguez, Foreign Affairs Secretary of the Federation of Cuban Women, Havana, Cuba
Marcia Campos, Women's International Democratic Federation (FDIM), São Paulo, Brazil
Luisa Compusano, Universidade de Habana, Casa de las Americas, Havana, Cuba
Maritzel Gonzalez, North America Foreign Relations, Federation of Cuban Women, Havana, Cuba
Norma R. Guillard Limonta, Psychologist, Social Researcher and Professor, Havana, Cuba
Irene Farrera, Musician / Activist, Caracas, Venezuela; Ines Fors Fernandez, Cuba Diplomatic Corps, Havana, Cuba
Odalys de La Paz Diaz, First Secretary, Cuban Interests Section, Washington, DC
Miriam Nobre, Coordinator, International Secretariat, World March of Women, São Paulo, Brazil
Patricia Lazara Pego Guerra, Cuban Diplomatic Corps, Washington, DC
Teresa Rimada Reyes, JoJo White Community Center, La Guinera, Havana, Cuba
Norma Vasallo Barrueta, Professor of Psychology and Chair of Women Studies, University of Havana, Havana, Cuba.
(Organizations and affiliations listed for purposes of identification only.)